
1 more died in Chandpur

53 more people identified in Chandpur, death 1. In Chandpur, corona of 53 more out of 188 samples has been…

4 years ago

This years target of jute production is 30,000 MT in Chandpur

This years target of jute production is 30,000 MT in Chandpur. Chandpur is one of the riverine agricultural areas of…

4 years ago

100 more people identified as infected in Chandpur

100 more people identified as infected in Chandpur: Total infected so far 13,912. In the last 24 hours, more than…

4 years ago

91 more identified as infected in Chandpur

In Chandpur, 91 more people identified as infected and the infection rate is 16.60 percent In Chandpur, corona of 91…

4 years ago

Chandpur set a target of collecting Tk 166 crore tax in current financial year

Chandpur has set a target of collecting Tk 166 crore tax in the current financial year Comilla has set a…

4 years ago

111 more identified as infected in Chandpur

In Chandpur, 13,721 people were identified as infected, including 111.In the last 24 hours, 111 more corona have been identified…

4 years ago

BITAC training courses has started in Chandpur

Two BITAC training courses has started in Chandpur. Two training courses of Bangladesh Small Cottage and Technical Industrial Support Center…

4 years ago

108 more people identified as infected in Chandpur

108 more people identified as corona infected in Chandpur. Corona of 108 more people have been identified in Chandpur. The…

4 years ago

7 people died in isolation ward in Chandpur

Seven people died in isolation ward in Chandpur. 7 more people died in the corona isolation ward of Chandpur Government…

4 years ago

Death-Infection are on the rise in Chandpur

Deaths and infections in Corona in Chandpur are on the rise again. Another 13 people have died in Chandpur due…

4 years ago