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infected in world

19 crore 95 lakh infected in world

Another 5 lakh 12 thousand 144 people have been infected with this deadly virus in last 24 hours. Another 8,454 people died in the same period. Infections and deaths have both increased within a day. One day ago there were four lakh 66 thousand 39 new infections. Seven thousand 439 people died at the same time.

According to the statistics-based website WorldoMeters, the total number of cases of corona in the world so far is 19 crore 95 lakh 92 thousand 898. Of these, 42 lakh 48 thousand 785 people died. However, 18 crore 82 thousand 300 people have already recovered.

So far, the United States has the highest number of corona infections and deaths in the world. So far, 3 crore 58 lakh 95 thousand 980 people have been infected by corona in the country. Of these, six lakh 29 thousand 862 people died. However, two crore 97 lakh 17 thousand 537 people have recovered.

News Room, August 03,2021