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21 crore 54 lakh infected in world

In last 24 hours, more than 10,000 people have died of coronavirus around the world, according to data from the WorldoMeters website, which tracks deaths and recovery from coronavirus. At the same time, the number of people newly infected with the virus has exceeded 7 lakh 7 thousand.

The United States has had the highest number of infections in the last 24 hours. At the same time, the country is at the top in daily deaths. Mexico is in the second position. As a result, the number of corona victims worldwide has exceeded 21 crore 54 lakh. On the other hand, the death toll has exceeded 44 lakh 87 thousand.

According to data from WorldoMeters on Friday morning, 10,710 people have died of corona in the last 24 hours worldwide. In other words, the number of deaths has decreased by about four hundred and fifty compared to the previous day. The death toll has reached 44 lakh 87 thousand 320 people around the world.

In addition, 7 lakh 7 thousand 979 people have been newly infected with the virus in the same period. In other words, the number of newly identified patients has decreased by about 8,000 as compared to the previous day. As a result, the total number of patients infected with the virus has increased to 21 crore 54 lakh 29 thousand 347 people since the beginning of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, the United States is at the top of the world’s daily infections as well as deaths. During this period, 1 lakh 65 thousand 992 people were newly infected with coronavirus in the country and 1 thousand 190 people died. In the country most affected by the coronavirus, 3 crore 93 lakh 38 thousand 99 people have been infected with coronavirus and 6 lakh 51 thousand 916 people have died so far.

News Room, August 27,2021