Home / Chandpur / Production target of Aman is 70,490 MT in Chandpur
Production target of Aman

Production target of Aman is 70,490 MT in Chandpur

In Chandpur district, the target for cultivation of aman in the current fiscal year 2020-21 has been set at 26,650 hectares of land. The production target is 70,490 MT of rice.

Department of Agricultural Extension Chandpur said this on 13 September.

There are 11 isolated char on the west bank of the Chandpur Meghna River as a result of long 60-65 years of river erosion. Large quantities of agricultural products are produced in the char areas. These include paddy, jute, chilli, maize, potato, vegetables and other rabi crops. Besides, there is rearing of cows, goats, buffaloes and poultry.

According to the information received, the Meghna-Dhanagoda Irrigation Project in Chandpur district has set target for this transplanted aman inside Chandpur and in the riparian areas.

As of Sunday, September 13, 19,490 hectares of land has been cultivated, said Abdul Mannan, an agronomist on duty at the Department of Agricultural Extension, Chandpur. Its cultivation will continue in a wide area till September 20.

According to Agriculture Department sources, the government has allocated 50,000 metric tonnes of chemical fertilizers for the production of agricultural products in Chandpur. 315 kg of vegetable seeds have also been allocated in the fiscal year 2020-21 under the incentive program.

However, Chandpur is one of the major agricultural region of the country. As the four river Meghna, Padma, Dakatiya and Meghna-Dhanagoda flow through this district, the climate of this region is very useful for the production of agricultural products. The soil is also fertile. Lands in the tidal water of river always play a special role in agricultural cultivation.

Correspondent: Abdul Ghoni, September 14,2020