
Today Is Sheikh Hasina’s Homecoming Day

Today is Sheikh Hasina's Homecoming Day.May 07 is the 39th Homecoming Day of Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh…

4 years ago

Holidays Of Educational Institutions Till May 30

Holidays of educational institutions till May 30. The government has announced a general holiday till May 16 to prevent novel…

4 years ago

Students Are Getting Clothes-Shoes-Bags With Stipend

Students are getting clothes-shoes-bags with stipend.After being stuck for a long time, about 14 million primary school students are finally…

4 years ago

MP Habibur Rahman Mollah Is No More

MP Habibur Rahman Mollah is no more.Dhaka-5 MP Habibur Rahman Mollah is no more (Inna Lillahi ... Rajyun). He breathed…

4 years ago

Storm Forecast: 2 No. Warning Signal At River Port

Storm forecast: 2 No. warning signal at the river port.The amount of storm-rain in the country has increased a little.…

4 years ago

Coronavirus In Saudi Arabia: Death Toll Of Bangladeshi Is High

Coronavirus in Saudi Arabia: Death toll of bangladeshi is high.According to the latest data provided by the country's health ministry…

4 years ago

In Cumilla Number Of Corona Infect Has Increased To 98

In Cumilla, the number of corona infect has increased to 98, including 5 new people.In Cumilla, 5 people have been…

4 years ago

786 Newly Infected and 1 Person Died

786 newly identified and one person died.Another person has died of coronavirus in the last 24 hours. The death toll…

4 years ago

Production Target Of Aman In Chandpur Is 20,000 MT Of Rice

The production target of aman in Chandpur is 20,000 MT of rice.Chandpur is one of the major riverine agricultural areas…

4 years ago

In Chandpur Loan Of Tk. 31.5 Crore Allotted For Service Sector

In Chandpur, a loan of Tk. 31.5 crore has been allotted to Janata Bank for the service sector.In the current…

4 years ago