
101st birthday of Bangabandhu today

Today is the 101st birthday of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the greatest Bengali nation of all time, the architect of independent Bangladesh. In addition to the birth centenary celebrations of Bangabandhu on Wednesday, March 17, the golden jubilee celebrations of independence are starting from today.

Sheikh Mujib is not just a name, it is a history. That history has created an immortal epic of breaking the chain of a thousand years. In his political life he has been imprisoned for about five thousand days. But the Bengali did not retreat in the movement for independence. Sheikh Mujib means the existence of the Bengali nation. Sheikh Mujib means Bangladesh.

Born in the house of Sheikh Lutfar Rahman and Saira Khatun at Tungipara in Gopalganj on 17 March 1920, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman brought independence to Bangladesh through a long struggle. Dedicating his life for the liberation of the people, he became the architect of Bangladesh. Last year was the birth centenary of this undisputed leader of the Bengali nation.

Various programs are taken up throughout the year. Due to the Corona situation, it was not possible to celebrate the main event, so the Independence Day Golden Jubilee program and the Mujib Year program will be celebrated jointly till December 16 this year. States and governments of different countries are taking major part in these programs.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born on 17 March 1920 in Tungipara. The birthday of Bangabandhu is being celebrated as the National Children’s Day.

News Room, March 17,2021
