13 lakhs died of Coronavirus around the world

The deadly coronavirus has created a terrible crisis around the world. The economies of different countries have collapsed, many people have become unemployed.

Corona has already taken the lives of about 1.3 million people around the world. According to the WorldoMeter, 5 crore 30 lakhs 90 thousand 778 people have been infected with corona in the world so far.

So far 12 lakhs 99 thousand 400 people have died from this deadly virus. On the other hand, 3 crore 72 lakhs 10 thousand 406 people have returned home after recovering from Corona.

The first corona infection was reported on December 31 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Since then, the virus has spread to many countries around the world. So far, the virus has spread to 213 countries and territories.

So far the United States has been at the top of the corona infection. 1 crore 8 lakhs 73 thousand 936 people have been infected by corona in the country.

Of these, 2 lakhs 48 thousand 585 people died. On the other hand, 67 lakhs 28 thousand 120 people have recovered.

India is in second place in corona infection. The number of people infected by corona in the country is 87 lakhs 27 thousand 900.

Of these, 1 lakh 28 thousand 686 people died.

On the other hand, 81 lakhs 13 thousand 345 people have recovered.

Brazil, meanwhile, is the leading Latin American country in terms of corona infections and deaths.

So far, 57 lakhs 83 thousand 647 people have been infected by corona in the country. Of these, 1 lakh 64 thousand 332 people died.

So far 52 lakhs 56 thousand 767 people have recovered from Corona in the country.

The number of people infected with corona in France is 18 lakhs 98 thousand 710.

Of these, 42,960 died. 1 lakh 34 thousand 954 people have already recovered in the country.

So far, 18 lakh 58 thousand 568 people have been infected by corona in Russia.

Of these, 32,032 people died. On the other hand, 13 lakhs 88 thousand 168 people have recovered.

The number of people infected with corona in Spain is 14 lakhs 84 thousand 868 people. Of these, 40,461 people died. The number of people infected with corona in the United Kingdom is 12 lakhs 90 thousand 195 people. Of these, 50,928 people died.

News Room, November 13,2020
