
35 more people died in last 24 hours

Coronavirus has killed 35 more people in the country in the last 24 hours. A total of 3,908 new patients were identified during the period by examining 24,664 samples; Which is the highest in eight months and 26 days.

Earlier, on July 2 last year, a maximum of 4,019 people were diagnosed with corona, which is the highest infection in the country.

This was informed in the press release sent by the health department on Sunday afternoon.

A total of 8,904 people have died of coronavirus in the country. The total number of identities has increased to 5 lakh 95 thousand 714 people.

The first Covid-19 infection was detected in the country on March 08 last year, and the death was reported on March 18.

News Room March 28,2021
