8 Lakh Lives Lost Due To Corona.As of Saturday night, Johns Hopkins University’s Covid-19 dashboard had provided the information.
According to the latest data from the university, the total number of deaths worldwide from the coronavirus, which appeared six months ago in Wuhan, China, stands at 8 lakh and 720. At the same time, a total of 2 crore and 30 lakh 15 thousand 658 corona patients have been identified worldwide.
However, the United States is still at the top in terms of deaths in Corona. 1 lakh and 75 thousand 674 people have died in the country. In Brazil, which is in the second place, 1 lakh and 13 thousand 358 people have died. In Mexico, which is in the third place, 59,610 people have died.
Meanwhile, India is the fourth deadliest country in South Asia after Mexico. So far 55,794 people have died in the country.
Last December, the first new corona virus was found in Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province. According to Johns Hopkins University, 4,710 people have died and 89,642 have been infected in the country. However, the total number of healthy people has been shown to be 83,869. As of now, only 1,063 people in China are infected with corona.
News Room, August 23,2020