Ministries are instructed to give age exemption in government service.In the case of coronavirus infection, the government has fixed the maximum age limit for job seekers in the recruitment notification when entering government service without BCS.
Today, the Ministry of Public Administration issued an order on March 25 to publish a notification for 30 years.
The Ministry of Public Administration has asked the ministries, departments and agencies to issue notifications to those who have completed 30 years of age on March 25.
It said that despite completing all preparations including recruitment clearance before March 25, could not publish the notification due to the Covid situation, requesting all the concerned ministries / departments to take necessary steps to publish the notification setting the maximum age limit for the candidates on March 25.
At present the age limit for entry into government service is 30 years, in the case of children of freedom fighters 32 years. First and second class jobs are recruited through the Public Service Commission (PSC). Responsibility for appointment to third and fourth class posts lies with the concerned government department.
NNNews room, September 17,2020