
In Cumilla 4 People Including One From Shahrashti Died

In Comilla, 4 people including one from Shahrashti died due to Corona symptom.Four people, including an eight-year-old girl, died at…

4 years ago

4014 People Identified As Corona Infected, Loss Of Life 45

4014 people identified as corona infected, loss of life 45.In the last 24 hours, 45 people have died of coronavirus…

5 years ago

3809 People Identified As Corona Infected, 43 Died

3809 people identified in the country in one day as corona infected, 43 deaths.In the last 24 hours, 43 people…

5 years ago

34 People Deaths In Last 24 Hours In The Country

34 deaths in last 24 hours in the country and 3,504 people identified as corona infected.In the last 24 hours,…

5 years ago

3,868 People Identified As Corona Infected: 40 People Died

3,868 people identified in 24 last hours as corona infected: 40 people died.In the last 24 hours, 40 people have…

5 years ago

3946 People Identified As Corona Infected And 39 People Died

In one day, 3946 people were identified as corona infected and 39 died in the country.In the last 24 hours,…

5 years ago

In 24 Hours Corona Infected 3462, Death 37

Corona infected 3462 in 24 hours, death 37.The number of coronavirus cases is increasing in the country. In the last…

5 years ago

Chance Of Rain With Thunder Across Country

Chance of rain with thunder across the country.The weather forecast said there could be thunderstorms with rain across the country…

5 years ago

Higher Secondary Examination Only If Suitable Environment Exist

Higher secondary examination only if suitable environment exist.Education Minister Dipu Moni said, Higher Secondary Examination (HSC) will be taken only…

5 years ago

In 24 Hours Corona Infected 3412 , Death 43

Total Corona infected 3,412 in 24 hours, death 43.The number of coronavirus cases is increasing in the country. In the…

5 years ago