
Champion Brazil over to Argentina

The current champions of Olympic football Brazil over Argentina. Brazilians win gold for the first time at the 26 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. There was a great deal of doubt as to whether they would be able to enroll in this gold-holding mission. Brazil has finally made it to the final round of the Tokyo Olympics.

Not so much, Brazil was named in the final of the Olympics as the second team from Latin America after defeating their rival Argentina by a big margin of 1-0. Earlier, Argentina was named in the final as the first team.

Monday night was the last day of the Latin America qualifier. Countries like Uruguay, Colombia and Chile were eliminated from the Olympic race due to Argentina being defeated 3-1.

Earlier, Argentina beat Uruguay 3-2 and Colombia 2-0. With those two wins, they confirmed Tokyo as the group champions. Brazil confirms Tokyo Olympics as the 8th team. Earlier, they won one gold, three silver and two bronze medals.

Paulinho and Matthias Chunha scored for the champions Brazil in this match against Argentina. These two goals were confirmed in Brazil’s Tokyo Olympics, despite Uruguay’s 4-1 victory over Colombia.

Times Correspondent. February 11, 2020
