
Passenger Zero Chandpur Launch Terminal

Passenger zero Chandpur launch terminal.Chandpur launch terminal was closed due to the closure of the previous announcement. Due to this, the passenger launches of the Chandpur-Dhaka highway from Saturday morning are spending a lot of idle time.

Earlier, no passengers from Chandpur had left from Chandpur for the capital’s Sadarghat.

Meanwhile, a number of passenger launches at Chandpur launch terminal have been idle since Saturday morning but no person has been found there. No passengers were even seen at the terminal. However, some passengers have been seen traveling to the capital with small launches in Narayanganj as an alternative.

On the other hand, passenger buses that operate on Chandpur-Dhaka route are also closed on the road. As a result, the Chandpur bus terminal was not crowded due to the closure.

About the launching of the launch, Chandpur port officer Mohammad Abdul Razzaq told that the passenger launch movement on the Chandpur-Dhaka highway would be stopped at 9 am on Saturday. The next launch will start again.

News Room,February 01,2010
