
Precipitation is due to cold wave

On Sunday, December 22, the lowest temperature in Jessore was 9 degree Celsius. Cold wave has not yet been finished. Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department has forecast rain.
The weather forecast for the next 24 hours from Sunday morning cold weather will decrease across the country . Night and day temperatures can rise by 1-2 degrees.

The forecast suggest that mild cold wave flows over Rajshahi, Pabna, Jessore, Tetulia and Chuadanga regions could be mitigated. The lowest temperature in the morning was 13 degree Celsius.

Meanwhile, the weather forecast for the next three days (72 hours) says it is likely to rain at the end of the period.

Meteorological Department Deputy Director Kausar Parvin told ,’The sky will be cloudy and light to dusty showers will occur across the country from the 25-26 december of this month. Then the temperature may drop again.

News Room, Dec 22,2019
