New record of corona infection in United States

Corona infection has set a new record in the United States. According to Johns Hopkins University, in the last 24 hours, 2 lakh 1 thousand 961 corona patients have been identified in the country..

So far 1 crore 2 lakh 42 thousand 754 corona patients have been identified in the country. In addition, 1,535 new people have died in the country in the last one day. This death is a new record in the country in the last few months. The total death toll in the country stands at 2 lakh 39 thousand 618 people.

Over the past few weeks, more than one lakh corona patients have been identified in the country. At the same time, the number of hospitalized patients in the country is also increasing.

According to Reuters, nearly 59000 patients were being treated in hospitals across the country on Monday.

In addition, corona patients are increasing in different countries of Europe. As a result, fear is growing among the people.

News Room, November 11,2020
