Cost Of Air Travel Is Increasing From Today

The cost of air travel is increasing from today. It will be effective in the name of ‘Airport Development and Security Fees’ imposed by the government. The Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism says airport development fees of $5 and security fees of $6 are required to travel to SAARC countries through any of the country’s airports.

In case of returning to the country, you have to pay the same amount. A passenger has to pay $40 to get to and from a different country outside the SAARC countries.

The Ministry of Aviation and Tourism of Bangladesh says that airport development and security fees should be paid not only for passengers coming and going abroad, but also for those traveling by air within the country. Once you use the airport inside the country, you have to pay 170 taka.

Mahibul Haque, senior secretary at the Ministry of Aviation and Tourism, said Bangladesh’s airports cost around Tk. 4,000 crore a year to operate.

Development work is going on in different airports of the country. The fee has been fixed to meet the operating expenses. It is expected that the government will get around Tk. 600 crore every year from the fixed fees.

He said that there is a practice of taking such fees in different countries of the world. Senior Secretary Mahibul Haque said, “Within this region, we are going to implement it as soon as possible and we are going to take the least amount of money.”

Dhaka Bureau Chief, August 16,2020
