‘Monkey Pox’ Spread Out Throughout Congo

‘Monkey pox’ spread out throughout the Congo.The deadly ‘monkey pox’ is spreading in the Congo of Africa. The virus is also known as ‘Monkey Pox’. It has already killed 10 people. The virus was also found in the bodies of 141 more people.

Congolese doctors say 33 people have recently been infected with the virus, which is slowly spreading. Five more years ago, Monkey Pox was discovered in Africa.

An emergency bulletin from the World Health Organization states, ‘The whole world is in the midst of a challenge to the current coronavirus. In such a situation, it is important to control ‘Monkey Pox’. The prevalence of the virus is particularly high in Sankuru and South Ubangi in the Congo.

Monkey Pox: Monkey pox is a viral infection characterized by irritating nodule on the skin. The disease has been seen in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. However, on May 9, 2019, the disease was found in Singapore, the government said.

Initially monkey pox disease has symptoms similar to chicken pox which are watery nodule. As the disease progresses, small red rashes appear on different parts of the body. Monkey pox is a disease that can spread from one person to another, but the main sources are initially known to be rats,squirrels and monkeys.

News Room, September 02,2020
