14 crore 27 lakh infected in world

Global corona is becoming more and more frightening day by day. Every day there is a long procession of infected and dead people in this virus. The new epidemic of the virus has caused panic in the minds of the people. Despite the discovery of the corona vaccine, the world is still in panic.

In the meantime, the number of deaths in Corona in the world has exceeded 30 lakh 43 thousand and more than 14 crore 27 lakh people have been infected.

As of Tuesday morning, April 20, 10,357 people had died in the world, according to the WorldoMiters, a website that keeps statistics on coronavirus infections and deaths. With this, 30 lakh 43 thousand 219 people have died in the world and 14 crore 27 lakh 13 thousand 292 people have been affected. Besides, 12 crore 12 lakh 27 thousand 832 people have returned home after recovering.

The United States, the world’s most powerful country, has the highest number of infections and deaths in the corona. At the top of the list, 3 crore 24 lakh 75 thousand 43 people have been infected with corona so far. 5 lakh 81 thousand 542 people have died.

News Room, April 20,2021
