
8 campaigns to prevent Jatka killing in Chandpur

8 campaigns to prevent Jatka killing in Chandpur – 3 mobile court operations. Chandpur District Administration, Fisheries Department, Naval Police, Coast Guard, Chandpur Sadar Fisheries Department, Haimchar Fisheries Department, Matlab North and South Fisheries Departments have conducted 8 operations and 3 mobile courts in the last 24 hours.

A report has been released from the monitoring cell of Chandpur district fisheries department on March 10 at around 2 pm.

10 kg jatka, 1 lakh 3 thousand meters current net has been seized. Its current value is 20 lakh 60 lakh taka. The jatka have been distributed to local orphanages. In addition, 9 people have been sent to jail.

Correspondent: Abdul Ghoni, March 10,2021
