Fish & Agriculture

Killing ‘Renu Pona’ Are Going On In The River

killing Renu Pona are going on in the river.The molar molecule is being killed in Chandpur. After the demise, Renu Pona is being sold in various upazilas including Chandpur town.

A number of unscrupulous fish vendors have been selling Renu Pona by making vans and large buckets in the bazar and in the alley-streets of Chandpur city. Thus, the district fisheries officials are pretending not to see the boiler sale.

A festival is underway to eradicate the molecules in the rivers in Chandpur. Every day, at least a few hundred fishermen are killing pine fish in the river, blinding the administration’s eyes.

These one-and-a-half-inch varieties of molecules sell at a rate of one hundred and fifty kilograms per pound. Buyers are buying this fish in a bag because of the lower prices. The fishermen said they were fishing because they were forced to pull their stomachs due to lack of any government subsidy, even though they confessed to the crime of fishing.

Jamal Hossain and Musa said, ‘Life goes by fish. What will I eat if I do not catch fish? Fishing is the main profession. When I get a fish in the river, I sell it and live. It is not fair to catch these this fish.But still we all do it’.

Nashir Uddin, a teacher at Puran Bazar Primary School, said no operation was seen by the district administration, fisheries department and coastguard against the killing of Renu Pona. The molecules must be destroyed to prevent further damage.
District Fisheries Officer Md. Asadul Baki said that the tears could not be kept from seeing the fishermen killing the fish. The district administration is conducting raids on the river. Some unscrupulous fishermen and businessmen continue to do so. More stringent measures will be taken in this regard.

Staff Correspondent, Feb 17,2020
