
The first lunar eclipse of the new year

The first lunar eclipse of the new year.The first lunar eclipse of the new year is on Friday, January 10, 2020. The enthusiasm that surrounds the general public.

Astrologers also have curiosity surrounding the first lunar eclipse of the decade.

As the moon and earth move in their own orbit, when the sun, earth and moon come in the same straight line and the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon, the shadow of the earth falls on the moon. The moon disappears partially for some time when viewed from Earth. This phenomenon is called lunar eclipse.

On the eclipse of Friday’s lunar eclipse of interest and curiosity for readers,

Start receiving – Date / Day: January 10, Friday
Time:11:07 pm.

Accepted End-Date / Day: January 11, Saturday
Time: 02:12 pm.

That is, the moon will be sustain for a total of 4 hours and 5 minutes. Of these, the most frequent adoption will be seen at 12:10 am.

It can be seen from countries including Asia. Also, lunar eclipses can be seen from Australia, Africa, North America, east of South America.

Apart from Kolkata, lunar eclipse can be seen from Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and several other cities.

Actions in Britain, Canada, South America have not been reported.

It is advisable to wear special glasses during the solar eclipse, but there is no caution in lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipse can be seen with empty eyes.

Then the lunar eclipse will come on June 5. The lunar eclipse will also take place on July 4, November 29 of this year. However, only the June 5 adoption will be fully visible from India and Bangladesh.

News room, jan 10,2020
