
47,084 people got vaccinated in Chandpur

Vaccination registration in Chandpur 61,198: Vaccination 47,084.In Chandpur, 61,198 people have been vaccinated on the 24th day till 2 pm on March 8. By that time, 47,084 people had been vaccinated in all the booths in Chandpur.

The control room of the Chandpur Civil Surgeon’s Office gave the information on March 8. According to the data, the total number of registered men and women in Chandpur till Sunday is 61,198. 47,084 people have been vaccinated. 14,114 people have not yet been vaccinated.

According to information received from 8 Upazila Health Centers, District Police and approved booths in Chandpur, the number of men and women who have been vaccinated till March 7 is 47,084.

Correspondent: Abdul Ghoni, March 08,2021
