
Doctors-Nurses Have To Take Proper Steps To Prevent Corona Disease

Doctors-nurses have to take proper steps to prevent corona disease.As the number of coronavirus infections spread rapidly throughout the United States, including the United States, we feel that no strategy has been used in the past. Now we have to be ready for the next step or the next epidemic. We do not have time to waste. It commemorates the Second World War in World War II. No one should have any doubt about this preparation.

Daily media news teaches us the strategy of taking action: ensuring masks and ventilators at a higher rate, developing more effective diagnostic tests, implementing faster and fuller social distances, and taking expert advice on the global epidemic corona.

People’s frustration and frustration over the lack of preparation for different countries is understandable. Sadly, we cannot go back in time. Let the virus go – I can’t wait for this time. We cannot wait without actually trying. In this case, doctors and nurses have to jump. Meanwhile, hospitals have started to prepare for this challenge. In this case, you need to take steps not only to think about the patient of a particular country, but also to progress the whole world. That is why the United States and other countries have to take five actionable steps.

Firstly materials such as medicines, medical products such as ventilators and personal protective equipment (PPEs) need to be provided at the highest levels. The second phase of the coronavirus should be prepared in advance for the tsunami.

And then, to take immediate measures to address the shortage of health care officers and employees nationally. Simply put – we need many doctors. Not only the beginner level physician, but also the specialist need for the patient.

Lastly, the entire healthcare team needs to jump on the reckless and effectively. From beginner nurses to physician assistants – everyone has to give their best. Even the nurses will have to prescribe the patient even if the specialist goes through the pediatrician without the supervision of a doctor.

In the past few days, governors in several states, including Michigan and Arizona, have issued executive orders authorizing nurses and physician assistants to work independently.

Fourth, the individual-owned and non-profit sectors of the country will also have to come forward. Given the patriotism, companies will have to provide ventilator production, hotel rooms for medical personnel free of charge.

Lastly, long-term government investment for medical research should be increased. The preparation is never scheduled, it is ongoing. There is much more to be done after coronavirus outbreaks. But now, there is no need to take action to address the next crisis. Now we need to build strong resistance against Corona. One of the things Covid-19 clearly teaches us is that we do not have time to relax.

Author: Dr. David j. Schorter, US Cardiologist and President and Executive Head of the American Medical College Association.
