Categories: Health

Some remedies for Bad Breath

When we wake up in the morning, we usually get bad breath because of the bacteria growing all night in our mouths. This is a common problem and almost all of us have to deal with it.

But some people have persistent bad breath, which can be quite embarrassing especially when they are in a meeting with someone out there. Bad breath or halitosis is caused by bacteria in the mouth, which produces a bad-smelling gas.

The odor is usually caused by bacteria breaking down sugars and starches in the food we eat. In some cases, it can also cause serious dental problems, such as gums disease or tooth decay.

However, the best solution to get rid of bad breath is to have regular dental check-ups. Some home remedies can also help to get rid of the problem. Here are some ways-

Clove is a common ingredient in our kitchen which can help to get rid of bad breath and gums swelling. Its antibacterial properties reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and reduce the risk of other dental problems such as bleeding and tooth decay. You can chew a few pieces of clove in your mouth to get rid of bad breath.

Drinking less water during the day can cause bad breath. Water helps flush out bacteria from the mouth and prevents it. It helps keep your breath fresh. So if you feel a lot of bad smell in your breath, drink plenty of water during the day. You can mix half a lemon juice in water to freshen the smell of your breath.

Both honey and cinnamon have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that can help reduce the growth of bacteria in your mouth and keep your gums healthy. Regular application of honey and cinnamon paste on teeth and gums can reduce the risk of tooth decay, bleeding gums, and even bad breath.

Gargling with mild hot salt water can prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth and refresh your mouth odor. Saltwater removes odor-causing bacteria in the mouth. You need to mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and gargle with it before going out.

News Room, February 16,2022
