So far 12 crore 23 lakh infected in world

The number of cases and deaths from the epidemic coronavirus is increasing worldwide.

So far, 12 crore 23 lakh 67 thousand 639 people have been infected with this virus all over the world. Of these, 26 lakh three thousand 176 people died. And so far 9 crore 86 lakh 58 thousand 827 people have recovered.

Of these, 5 lakh 46 thousand people have been newly identified in the last 24 hours. And 10 thousand 473 people have lost their lives.

Brazil is at the forefront of the number of people identified and killed in a single day. In a single day, 87,169 people were infected and 2,656 died in the country.

The data came from the international statistics-based website WorldoMeters on Friday, March 19.

According to the latest data, the United States has the highest number of deaths due to corona in the world.

So far 5 lakh 52 thousand 470 people have died in the country. The country also has the highest number of victims in the world.

So far, 3 crore 35 lakh 8 thousand 880 people have been infected in the United States. 2 crore 25 lakh 23 thousand 799 people have recovered from corona in the country.

News Room, March 19,2021
