
Traditional Pottery Of Matlab On The Way To Extinction

Traditional pottery of Matlab on the way to extinction.The pottery of the remote region of Matlab is on the verge of extinction under pressure from plastic materials in the market. Chandpur Matlab Upazila district clay-makers have come down crying from house to house. As the use of pottery is declining, the landscape of Dograpur Kumarpar is changing.
Durgapur Palpara of Matlab has come down to the families of Kumarbari residents. The wheels of Kumar’s house do not turn around today. Earthen doll, bone, slab, sara, bacon, kalasi, kadna kadar is no more. The family tradition of losing pottery is lost due to changes in soil erosion at the right time and failure to compete with anthodium plastic products.

It is mentioned that the main materials for making any pottery, including bone slab and callus, are dry grass and weeds, such as atel soil and fuel wood. At that time, there was multidimensional use of clay. At that time all the mahalis of this industry were very important. The goods of this industry were also used in various parts of the country to meet the local demand.

As the sun rises, the potters are reported to be running in different areas of the party, carrying loads of clay made of clay. They used to sell rice, gheelas, caps, lamps, dishes and milk utensils, waffle cake maker, beef dishes, kalki, rice paddy, clay bank, children’s various design toys. Came back home.
Shankar Pal of Naburkandi village of Matlab (North) upazila and Niranjan Pal of village Dagarpur of Matlab (South) upazila said that the demand for the soil of the land has decreased. Only those who are old and do not know any other work are still in this profession.

He said that before the boat I used to collect atel soil. Again, I used to sell clay accessories by boat.

Meanwhile, Shuddhanshu Saha, president of the Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) Matlab (South) Upazila Committee, said that the demand for clay making is decreasing day by day due to the wide spread of plastic materials. After making clay, it is not sold properly.

As a result, the people involved in this industry are losing every day. If we continue this way, the pottery will soon be lost. He believes that with the patronage of the government it will be possible to revive the traditional industry.

Chandpur Times Report,Feb 13,2020
