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Foods you can eat to relieve constipation

Coping with constipation is a challenging issue. Although this is considered a very common problem. This problem occurs due to irregular defecation. It is not only painful but also uncomfortable. Experts believe that defecation less than three days a week can be a sign of a problem.

If you defecate forcefully or put too much pressure, it can lead to other chronic illnesses, which can be more difficult to deal with. Constipation is not something that can be cured. With the right diet, you can solve this problem very quickly.

Let’s take a look at some of the foods that you can eat regularly so that your defecation will not be a problem and constipation will go away.

The best way to start your day is to eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. It is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. The upper part dissolves easily in water and takes on a gel-like shape, the inner part increases the number of feces, which can easily pass through the stomach and intestines. It does not require any pressure to defecate and also relieves constipation.

Healthy greens keep many diseases away. Constipation is one of them. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli are rich in multiple nutrients. The fiber in them is very good for the intestines. It increases the amount of stool. And makes it much easier to go through the digestive tract.

Fruits like kiwi, orange, pear, and apple are great for digestion. Anyone suffering from constipation can eat these fruits, they are full of fiber. These fruits also contain plenty of water, sorbitol, and fructose which can reduce constipation.

Sesame, a fiber-rich food, is extremely beneficial for intestinal health. It can be easily added to your diet. However, be careful not to eat too much sesame seeds together.

There are many types of beans and most of them contain fiber. It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps reduce constipation in its own way. It also contains resistant starch which acts as a mild laxative and helps maintain the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract.

The key to a healthy digestive system is to stay hydrated. Lack of fluid in the body is the primary cause of constipation. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day not only keeps you strong, but it also keeps your gut health good.

News Room, January 04,2022