
Home Remedies For Sore Throat

Home Remedies for Sore Throat.Sore throat is a symptom of panic in the current coronavirus situation. However, we have been familiar with sore throat for a long time.

If you have a dry cough with a sore throat, you should know that you have been infected with a virus, which can be a big problem if you do not take timely action.

Some tips on home remedies for sore throats.

Ginger is a spice root that is present in all homes and is very effective in curing sore throats. Honey, on the other hand, is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that makes the throat feel comfortable and also strengthens our immune system.

The combination of the two acts as an expectorant, increasing saliva secretion in the respiratory tract. It also opens the ‘sinuses’, clears the ‘mucus’ and clears the discomfort from the throat.

Ginger, honey, olive oil, flour, tissue, gauze and tape will be required to make this bandage.

First you have to mix honey with flour. Add grated ginger and two to three drops of olive oil. Now apply the mixture lightly on the tissue and apply it on the chest with the help of tape.

It is best to follow this procedure before going to bed at night. If you are afraid of allergies, you should take a patch test.

Everyone is familiar with this method of removing germs from the throat, and it is quite effective. However, to get the benefits, you have to gargle for three to four days in a row.

However, there is no conclusive evidence that this method kills pathogens, especially coronaviruses.

However, there is no doubt that it eliminates discomfort. There are also benefits to gargling with salt water to maintain body moisture.

Your work is done by dissolving half a table-spoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Now just have to gargle. However, water cannot be swallowed. Gargle two to three times a day. You have to go for at least three days to get the benefits.

Licorice rich in Ayurvedic properties can be eaten directly, can be added with tea. It is also unique in relieving the itching or discomfort associated with sore throats. It basically contains antiviral substances that attack the pathogens that cause diseases in the body.

As well as it creates beneficial ‘mucus’ which reduces and softens sore throat. It also contains ‘anti-oxidants’, which play a role in solving the problem of ‘free radicals’.

Apple cider vinegar rich in ‘alkaline’ has anti-inflammatory properties. Vinegar is the main ingredient in some herbal medicines used to treat colds. Apple cider vinegar is especially useful for sore throats. Due to the acid in it destroys the bacteria responsible for spreading the infection. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. If the taste is not tolerated you can add honey with it.

Cooling with oil for 15 to 20 minutes is called ‘oil pooling’. Coconut oil washes away toxins and germs from the inside of the mouth. With immunity is also strong. It has no side effects and is very smooth for coconut oil. For oil pooling, take two tablespoons of good quality coconut oil. Procedures must be followed every day.

Home remedies can never be a substitute for doctor’s advice. And there is no guarantee that these conventional methods will be 100% effective. Therefore, it should not be considered as a treatment but as a way to get relief from the problem of sore throat. In addition to taking the advice of a doctor, you have to follow the hygiene rules.

News Room, june 25,2020
