Turkey Claims To Find Natural Gas In Black Sea

Turkey claims to find natural gas in the Black Sea.Turkey has found a large source of natural gas on the Black Sea coast. The discovery will help reduce Turkey’s import dependence when it comes to gas extraction commercially.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the remarks at a meeting with energy company executives on Wednesday.

And on Friday, he said, the digging ship Fatih had found natural gas in the Black Sea. Initially, the amount of this gas will be 320 billion cubic meters.

Erdogan said the extraction would begin by 2023. Turkey has discovered the largest natural gas reserves ever.

The drilling ship Fatih discovered the gas from a well in the Tuna-One area, about 100 nautical miles north of the Turkish coast west of the Black Sea.

The reserves are expected to meet Turkey’s gas demand for 20 years.

Although the Turkish president hopes to quickly extract and use the gas, energy experts say it could take a decade and cost hundreds of billions of dollars to invest in commercial use of the gas.

News Room,August 22,2020
