Home / Health / Vitamins that will keep you away from winter ailments

Vitamins that will keep you away from winter ailments

Winter is gradually approaching, with the temperature decreasing. As well as decreasing humidity from the air. The level of air pollution also increases during the dry season. This causes harmful dust to enter the respiratory tract. As a result, many suffer from shortness of breath and asthma when winter comes. In addition, various types of infections occur in the lungs.

However, with a little caution in life and a little control over eating habits, experts believe that this kind of illness can be avoided. According to them, several vitamins can reduce this kind of winter illness. Experts suggest keeping vitamins A, D, and C in your daily diet to stay healthy in winter. These vitamin-rich foods protect the lung cells from decay and also reduce shortness of breath.

Experts say that vitamin D plays an important role in preventing lung infections. People who suffer from COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are more likely to suffer in winter. These vitamins are also very effective in reducing COPD levels.

Vitamin D deficiency in the body increases the risk of bronchitis, asthma, and lung diseases. The main source of vitamin D is sunlight. Also, eating tuna, salmon, or some such fish and egg yolks can reduce this deficit.

News Room, November 11, 2021